Sunday, April 10, 2005

Politician's gay marriage quest tied to Rev. Moon

The Messiah's Republican Senator
"Reverend Moon is the most remarkable person I've ever met"

On Valentine's Day, Republican state Sen. Mark Boitano, who represents part of Albuquerque's Northeast Heights, joined opponents of gay marriage in a press conference to promote "pro-family" legislation. The Albuquerque Journal photo showed a tense Boitano surrounded by gay rights activists. What the story did not mention is that for 30 years Boitano has been a follower of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who calls gays "dung eating dogs" to be "eliminated" or "burned."

Boitano is so loyal, he helped crown Moon the Messiah in Washington, D.C., last year.

In the Dirksen Senate Office Building, a white-gloved Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) placed jeweled crowns upon the heads of Moon and his wife. Robes of nobility draped their shoulders. Moon was named the king of "the second and third Israels," whatever that means. Rev. and Mrs. Moon were announced as the "True Father and Mother." Supplicants offered jewels on pillows. Moon declared himself to be "none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah and Returning Lord."


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