ThinkFree Office Online is VERY COOL!
I've been playing with ThinkFree Office Online and thus far I am AMAZED. It does have a few glitches here and there, but overall it's imported and exported files in Microsoft formats with near perfection. The 30mb of free space on the ThinkFree site is nice, although at this point I wouldn't trust saving important documents on a free server, as a proof-of-concept it's pretty darn cool. I might change my mind down the road once I have a better picture of the degree of security ThinkFree implements on their servers. Regardless, the service is pretty cool and product is feature-rich and demonstrates the impressive power of Sun's Java.The best part about ThinkFree Office Online is that I can create and access my documents from anywhere that gives me web access (and supports Java). At this moment I'm using Mozilla to run the ThinkFree Office suite, although Firefox and that thing Microsoft calls a browser also seems to work.
An article about ThinkFree in the market can be found here.
It would be really nice to see a linuc port...;)
Phildo from phildoDOTorg
I know one exists in their Beta section. I've also been able to sort-of get it to work under WINE. It's definitely got potential, although I prefer to use OpenOffice 2.0 when I'm on the road while being served using NoMachine/FreeNX (VNC doesn't even come close - even on dial-up FreeNX provides decent performance).
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