Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Canada's Potential For a Boom Economy and Everything You Wanted To Know About Currency Markets But Were Afraid To Ask

RefcoFX and their currency trading program turned out to be a serious addiction issue for me last term. It was fun pretending to get rich, until I got so good at it that the fake-trades I was executing during the demo period that I began to wonder if maybe I was on the wrong career path.

Refco provides great insight to world events from a cold, money-oriented vantage point of currency and commodities. You can pick up on tid bits of info that most people are probably unaware of, such as how Canada has "invade me" written all over it...

"As of January 2004, Canada's total proven crude oil reserves stood at 178.9 billion barrels trailing only Saudi Arabia, which holds the most proven crude oil reserves in the world. However, the vast majority of Canadian oil inventory is trapped in the sands of the Alberta province. Some analysts estimate that the region could contain as much as 300 Billion barrels – enough crude to supply US needs for over 40 years."

A fun Q&A Follows...


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