Apple sued for discrimination by former employee
A former Apple Computer employee has filed a lawsuit charging the company with discrimination among other charges. The employee, Shaune Patterson, worked as a human resources compensation consultant. Lawyers for Patterson say this may be one of the largest discrimination lawsuits filed against Apple by a lesbian.In an amended complaint recently filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco, Patterson alleges she was suspended for one month and then subsequently wrongfully terminated from her position, after she complained that her white counterparts, who were junior to her, were making higher salaries than she was.
Patterson alleges that the suspension came one day after she complained of racial discrimination.
Patterson, on May 16, 2005, amended her original complaint to include claims of sexual orientation and genetic characteristic discrimination. Prior to her one-month suspension, Patterson alleges that one of Apple’s managers wrote a memo describing her as a “rather obese-sized black lesbian.”
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