Never Give Up
The Fight Continues
They are tough on us at Cooley. No open book exams. No bottled water while taking exams. No “reading period” or “break” to study. I know people who had their last class a Monday and an exam for that class on Wednesday. It’s like that at Cooley. For the short bus kids like me, it’s an extra hard place to be. And it can make one really, really mean and pissed off.
After having a week of exams, one per day, I have had countless moments where I’ve wanted to give up. It would be so nice and no doubt feel wonderful – to have relief from all that is Cooley School of Law, but I refuse to give up. I want to give up, but I refuse to do so. They keep pounding the hell out of me, well they can just go ahead and keep on pounding “cos I ain’t goin down.”
I was considering a leave of absence as there is a pretty big financial risk going for another term under a bad set of circumstances. Forget it. There will be another semester of senseless law schooling and annoying blogging.
Posted by Hello
I am this poor drained law student's wife and I have to say that even though having him home for Christmas break has been WONDERFUL, going back to Cooley and not giving up is what has to be done. It is difficult not having him around. I am doing the single mom thing with three boys...I even took a class on bringing up boys because I'm afraid of screwing one of them up...but I know that the sacrifice will be worth it in the end. The hardest thing is not having him around to talk to. We may not always agree on everything that happens in our lives but I feel so lucky that I married someone I can talk to for hours on end and never run out of things to say. I guess, in a way, this aspect of our relationship has made our separation a little easier. We talk on instant messenger, on the phone and through e-mails constantly. It isn't the real thing but somehow I still feel close to him.
Anyway - all of my longwinded thoughts really boil down to this... I love him and miss him but most of all I am really proud of him. He is the smartest man I have ever met and I know he will make a great attorney. That which does not kill us only makes us stronger! - Mrs. MajQua
A quick note about some of the exams at Cooley during my term:
Torts I - 60 multiple choice and a single yet long essay question (pretty much covered the gambit - think Mad Mad Mad World ala the 1964 movie and you've got Torts down);
Contracts - 35 (give or take) multiple choice and four (4) essay questions.
Criminal Law - 30 multiple choice and three essay questions. Setup is similar to Torts i.e. lots of stuff going on, talk about who did what to do, defenses, offenses, etc.
Property - 35 multiple choice with a short section of "fill in the blanks" that was almost entirely future interests - A single and almost-fun essay that covered everything from race-notice / recording issues to tenancy issues.
You're kidding! Fill in blanks on the future interest, bleh!
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